Aid Hong Kong to fight the epidemic, Zhicheng champion is on the line


A touch of morning light in the east reflects on the vast land, and the forklift truck in the company park is rumbling loudly at this moment...

In the early morning of the weekend, due to the severe epidemic situation and the government's epidemic prevention and control requirements, the company reasonably arranged warehousing personnel and was busy loading materials...

This is a special batch of materials, which started from Guangdong Zhicheng Champion, and finally Hong Kong Hetao and Fangcang.

Yes, this is a batch of anti-epidemic support materials. The destination is Hong Kong, which is across the sea. This is also the first batch of anti-epidemic support materials we support Hong Kong's anti-epidemic support.

Since the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, in this war without gunpowder smoke, the country is going through difficult tests one after another. What we have experienced and what we have not experienced, the countless bits and pieces, undoubtedly do not embody the deep affection of the Chinese sons and daughters, and the unity of the people of all ethnic groups in the country will eventually solve all the difficulties and tests again and again.

In February 2020, Zhicheng Champion assisted Guangzhou Zhuhai "Xiaotangshan" to start supplying UPS power equipment for Zhuhai "Xiaotangshan" Phoenix Mountain Temporary Hospital (The Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University), and provided high-quality supporting power solutions to prevent We will do our best to control the epidemic. Similarly, there are Yuedong Hospital of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University and Zengcheng Campus of Southern Medical University.

Today, our compatriots across the sea are also experiencing the ravages of the epidemic at the moment. The state has dispatched a large number of medical resources to support Hong Kong. All parts of the country are also continuously supporting Hong Kong in terms of material security, encouraging and supporting our compatriots.

In 2020, we will support the "Xiaotangshan" Phoenix Mountain Temporary Hospital in Zhuhai, and party members will take the lead. For the power supply guarantee for this aid to Hong Kong, the party members are still the first to ask for orders to charge forward and go to the disaster area...